5 Quick Tips About Search Engines Search Engines can be confusing to understand & for many business owners, SEO is perplexing and over complicated. We want to help you understand search engines a little better so that in turn you can be more successful with more understanding in your business and SEO endeavor. So, here […]


Blog Management Content Writing We all know that blogs are important for a website. In fact, blogs should be one of the first priorities of your company’s marketing strategy.  They help your site gain more traffic, increase your site’s search engine rankings, help communicate to potential and existing customers, and more! (Check out our past blog […]


Black Hat Techniques are More Than Just Bad SEO What is it? Black Hat Techniques are ways to increase your sites rank by using disapproved practices. The means by which you increase your rank on Google violates the search engines’ terms of service.  More Than Bad SEO…. These techniques can result in your site being […]


Why Does My Website Need A Blog You as a business owner have probably thought about doing a blog. The idea has crossed your mind, but then quickly left for the following reasons: First, a blog is work. Even if its just a couple paragraphs a month, it takes effort and concentration. Secondly, a blog […]


Looking for more visitors to your website in the new year?       Increase your website traffic and be seen by more of your audience that matters.  Understant What Does and Doesn’t Work Reach the Right Audience Monthly Reporting & Tools Available Improve Search Engine Rankings Improve Your Campaigns and Strategy Effectively Contact Us […]


You might be wondering, What is content marketing? Why have I never heard of this before? Content Marketing isn’t a new idea, but it is an idea that has become popular throughout businesses and their marketing strategy. Content Marketing focuses on the content of posts rather than the number of times you post or how […]


Holiday Checklist for Local Listings Tis’ the season! Are you ready? Now that the holiday season is rolling in, it is important to keep that seo holiday checklist in mind for local listings. Below, we have highlighted the main points to keep your SEO up-to-date, especially during the holiday season. Search Engine’s and Accurate Company […]


Search Engine Misconceptions Finally Cleared Up! There are many rumors that go around about search engines and what makes your website have good SEO. What is true and what is false? And how can you be sure? We will address those rumors here and give you a clear understanding of what gives your website/blog a […]


Even the URL SEO has an important role in your website and search engine optimization! Having a poor URL structure can greatly impact your SEO. It can ruin rankings, keep your pages or website out of the indexes of search engines, and take away ranking authority from some pages or even the whole website. There […]


We Are Your All In One Service Provider in All Things Digital Full-service, graphic identity and marketing collateral shop! Spectrum Net Designs, is your one stop website development and creative firm that can start with your website design and development, then move  on to provide all your printed graphics from business cards, large yard signs, […]


Why do I have to respond to negative reviews? Oh, no! Another negative review! What do I do? Maybe it’s best if I just ignore it. After all, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” So…I’ll just pretend I never saw this negative review and move on. After all, […]


SEO & Search Engine Benefits of Directories for Business’ By: Shannan K. DuShane | May 2017 | www.SpectrumNetDesigns.com Your business deserves all the attention that you can give it, to support a healthy life span. This includes hands on management of your online accounts such as social media and business directories.  Social media, business directories, […]


2017 Search Engine Optimization Trends (SEO) Shannan DuShane | February 2017 | Spectrum Net Designs, Inc Search engine optimization is a revolving door that changes on a regular basis.  Dating back to end of 2000 when Google rolled out their first toolbar that had thousands wondering how the internet will change from this point on.  […]


Watch Out For What SEO Tactics That Don’t Work!     SEO tactics hasn’t gotten any easier for digital marketers. With Google’s Panda and Penguin algorithm updates that have happened in the past few years, it’s no surprise that the search engine optimization aspect of digital marketing is constantly changing. This volatility requires digital marketers […]
