Exploring Facebook Business Messenger Improve your customer experience by communicating with them in real time! Do you utilize Facebook Messenger for your business? If not, it is a great new way to connect with your customers and prospects on Facebook. Messenger for business pages allow you to have easier an instant one-on-one customer service experience, […]


What Good Customer Reviews Can Do for Your Small Business How to grow your small business by leveraging good customer reviews Having a solid reputation online is not just a luxury anymore it is a necessity. When you earn good customer reviews, it reassures your potential new customers that you are a reliable and credible […]


Why Good Graphic Design is Important For Marketing What do you think of when you hear the words “graphic design”? Is it an elaborate, artsy piece or something simple and abstract? Most people tend to think their businesses are too small for graphic design or that they cannot benefit from graphic design. Some only think […]


Holiday Checklist for Local Listings Tis’ the season! Are you ready? Now that the holiday season is rolling in, it is important to keep that seo holiday checklist in mind for local listings. Below, we have highlighted the main points to keep your SEO up-to-date, especially during the holiday season. Search Engine’s and Accurate Company […]


Do I really need online reviews?                 Google says, “Yes!” WHY? Years ago (before the age of the Internet and Google – yes, there actually was such a time) when you finally decided to buy a new car, what did you do to help make your decision as to […]
