Boosted Post or Meta Ad: Which is Better for You? When it comes to advertising, there are many options to choose from. Don’t let it confuse you! In this blog, we break down the difference between a formal Meta Ad, and what you would see as a boosted post on Facebook.  Read on to learn […]


Need Help With Facebook Ads Get Expert Guidance Are you looking to expand the reach of your company? Do you want to start showing your ads to potential customers, but have no idea where to start? Facebook, now Meta, is a great place to begin your advertising journey.  Read more about Facebook’s Name Change To […]


Content Marketing Trends to Keep an Eye On It is no small secret that content marketing can be very advantageous to businesses.  From blogs to videos to social media, producing content can help you gain, and keep, a loyal audience.  In 2023, its not enough to just have a great product or service, promotion and […]


Why Did Facebook Change Their Name to Meta? In October 2021, Facebook made the decision to change their name to Meta.  This decision came into effect on June 9, 2022.  This was brought about due to several reasons, but the biggest reason is that Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg had decided that the company was in […]


Why is No One Reading my Blog? 10 Tips to Get Your Blog Views As we have heard many times over the past few years, “Content is King”, meaning that content is key in growing your audience, and helps you play the long game in marketing.  A good way to create content for your website […]


Paid Social vs SEM- What’s the Difference & When Do You Use Both? Paid social is considered to be a proactive media, meaning that you are presenting your ad to someone who isn’t necessarily looking for that information. SEM, search engine marketing, on the other hand, is a reactive media. This is a type of […]


How IOS14 Impacts Your Facebook Ad Campaigns In a recent survey, 4 out of 5 people want a privacy law to protect their personal data. That means that 73% of people would like to pay more to online service companies to ensure they do not sell their personal data for marketing purposes. As a result […]


Understand the Difference Between Organic Posting and Paid Advertising What is Organic Social Media Organic social media is the free content (posts, photos, videos, memes, stories, etc.) that users, including company’s and brands, share with their following base on their feeds. As a brand, when you post organically to your account, you can expect the […]


Breaking Down Google Analytics Data and What It Means Google Analytics provides powerful insights about your website’s users. But understanding isn’t all that straight forward for beginners and that’s why we’re here! Let’s talk about what Google Analytics is, what it does, and what all wonderful reports that can tell you about your website visitors.  […]


How to write Headlines for SEO Headlines are lifelines to your readers. They grab attention, build trust, and help time-pressed consumers focus on the stories they care most about. Implementing SEO best practices are essential to growing your audience, driving traffic from search engines, and promoting your business or content. One of the key components […]


Brand Awareness Campaigns – Is it Smart for you? Whether you are a startup just trying to build a name for yourself in a crowded market, or you are trying to rebrand an old company, you can benefit from a brand awareness campaign Have you been running paid ads and having a difficult time getting […]


The Latest Google Updates and What they Mean for You Google is known for their famous algorithm updates, search index changes, and refreshes. Google search is changing all the time! In 2020, Google made 4,500 changes to their search algorithm. This number includes updates with their ranking system, user interface, and more. Google had also […]


Digital Marketing: All About Lead Generation Campaigns Lead generation is the process of generating interest and demand in a company’s brand, products, or services using inbound and outbound marketing strategies, such as online advertising and email marketing. Running a lead generation campaign is an essential process for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) companies for many […]


How to Optimize for Voice Search The allure of voice search is undeniable- it’s faster, hands-free, and lets you multitask. Voice search had made its appearance into the mainstream in 2011 with the launch of Apple’s Siri on the iPhone 4. In 2015, the Amazon Echo became one of the first established smart home devices. […]


Are You Thinking About Your 2022 Marketing Strategy? You Should Be! In the B2C world, both in-person and online shopping are seeing increases in their respective numbers. The challenge marketers are facing is to manage to think on their feet as trends begin, change, and fastly fade away. Fortunately, with our experience of observations from […]


Local vs National Marketing Strategy- Understand the Difference! When deciding on utilizing a local vs national marketing strategy, it will be influenced by two key factors: the size of your company and your target market. If your target market consists of the local population, the strategy you will employ is different from that of a […]


Looking to Rebrand Your Business? Consider These! Rebranding your business is necessary to keep your business afloat. It demonstrates that your business is current and capable of reinventing its image so you can continuously resonate with your audience. Brands can lose momentum over time, so it is important that you freshen up your brand and […]
