6 Things to Consider While Updating Your Website | Spectrum Net Designs


It’s time for an updated website…you’ve been noticing that your current site just isn’t keeping up with your competition, its outdated, clunky, too busy, or too plain. There’s no option for buying your products online, and your site really just doesn’t reflect your business the way you want it to…does this sound familiar? Keeping up with your online presence can be challenging, and now that you’ve realized your need for a change, you must begin the daunting task of beginning the updating process…
So, here are a few things to keep in your mind as you begin searching for the right way to update your website so that you can make a statement as you jump into the 2019 world wide web with your new online presence for your company.

updating your website

First, take some time to check out your competition…they say imitation is the best form of flattery, we are telling you, DON’T IMITATE YOUR COMPETITION! Take a look at your competition, check out what they are doing, then take the time to get a game plan going of how you can do it better. This will be the most beneficial thing in the long run. Secondly, Think about your website layout & don’t be afraid to change it! – where do your current website viewers go? Where do they want to go? What are your hot products or pages? Use Google Analytics to help you investigate each of these things so that you can plan out & revamp your website in a way that is user friendly & specifically created for YOUR desired & current users. Third, more content is not always better content – keep your site clean & simple, modern & to the point. Too much text where it is not needed can ultimately hurt your user experience. Most of the time people want a quick experience, they don’t want to sit on your site for 4 hours trying to sort through the information they need from the unnecessary fluff that happens to be in there. Keep your content as simple as possible. Fourth tip is to use the opportunity to re-evaluate your URL’s. If your websites been around for awhile, chances are you didn’t give much thought to your current web addresses & url’s on your site. Now is a great opportunity to change that. A page URL can affect various things from user experience to search engine ranking. It’s helpful to get a plan together of what you want your URL’s to portray as a website. Fifth thing to keep in mind is to secure your website(if it isn’t already) – Making sure that your site is secure is important, not only to your users, but now, its even important to Google. Lastly, consider Search Engine Optimization – SEO is an increasingly important part of websites everywhere, and it’s no easy feat…seo has many moving parts that can make it tough to grasp. More power to the businesses, free lancers, bloggers, & other website owners who do SEO for themselves, but we also would advise that you consider hiring a Digital Marketing Agency that knows SEO well to assist you with the ins & outs of Search Engine Optimization.

These are our 6 quick topics to keep in the back of your mind as you consider a website update. Most importantly don’t be afraid to change up your website & take risks to make sure that you are providing something fresh for your audience.

Do You Need Help Getting Your New Website Up & Running? We Can Help

we also handle hosting & domain registration

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