Trinity PRC | Website Design | Hudsonville, MI | Spectrum Net Designs

Trinity PRC  | Hudsonville, MI

Trinity PRC

About Trinity PRC

Trinity PRC was organized on July 18, 2001 and is the daughter church of Hudsonville PRC. Our congregation has about 90 families with 150 children and a total membership of approximately 400 souls. The council is composed of 6 ruling elders and 5 deacons. We belong to the Federation of Protestant Reformed Churches in America (PRC) which is a denomination of 27 churches and almost 6,000 members. They were founded as a separate denomination of Reformed Churches in 1924 and trace their roots to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century in Europe. They follow the 3 historic reformed creeds also knows as the Three Forms of Unity; the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dordt. They believe these three creeds accurately and fitfully summarize the teachings of scripture.  To read more about our church, please visit our new website at:

You like the treatment we gave the the Trinity PRC church in Hudsonville, and now you think you would like to level up your site. Send us an email here at Spectrum Net Designs. We will make sure that not only is your site easier to read and navigate, but we will also optimize it for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so your site will rank higher on google.

Website Features:

  • Custom WordPress Development – Content Management System
  • Embeded YouTube videos
  • Links to social media
  • Online Submit Form

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